Liquids in your diet are just as important to think about as the foods. There are several key areas that you can improve your blood sugar levels in this area.
• For dairy products (including cheeses and yogurts) look for non fat varieties. If you consume whole milk, drop to 2 percent. Skim milk is even better. Low fat cheese and yogurt is a good route to take as well. (Go with low fat over non fat as the taste difference won’t be much.)
• Drink more water and more calorie free drinks. A variety of manufacturers are producing these low calorie or even no calorie drinks.
• Avoid soda pop that is full sugar, fruit punch, sweet teas, and other sweetened drinks.
• Cook in the right liquids, too. Never use oils that have trans-fats in them. Look for those that are healthier such as extra virgin olive oil.
These five steps are the first and most important changes to make in your diet to see improvements in your blood sugar numbers.
While it is important for you to focus on healthy eating, you may find yourself dreading the “don’t” list of foods.
Although those with severe diabetic conditions should never push their food intake by eating highly sugared foods, those that have lower levels of diabetes may be able to consume foods on a very limited basis.
Go back to what these high sugared foods should be: a treat. They shouldn’t be consumed daily, but only on special occasions and only when your doctor Okays it.
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